OTC-3421-59.jpg OTC Division of SPX Corp.
Genisys Asian Import 2005 Software Update Kit
Order# OTC3421-59

$590.00  The price in Kiev!
  2005 Asian Software now has Honda OEM Coverage: Covers OBD I and OBD II thru 2005!

• Powerful Asian Import diagnostics coverage.
For the first time, Asian also includes Pathfinder
Troubleshooting! The 2005 release now also integrates Repair-Trac tech tips and Fast Fixes into Asian software.
• Honda licensed OEM application coverage includes engine, transmission, ABS, air bag,
tire pressure monitor, and more body and chassis systems.
• Enhanced engine and transmission data stream and read codes for Nissan (1990–2005), Mitsubishi and Mazda (1996–2005), and Toyota (through 2005).
• ABS and air bag support for Nissan, Mitsubishi (1996–2005), and Toyota (1998–2005).
• Expanded Toyota OBD I, 1995 and older coverage.
• Enhanced data graphs, Data monitor graphs now include an average reading.

This kit is for Genisys scan tool owners who already have the Asian Import 2000 or 2003 starter kits and want to update software coverage to 2005. Cables not included.

• Kit includes the NGIS software CD, manual, and Smart Card.

IMPORTANT NOTE: System 2.0 required to install; see No. 3421-58.